
New Language Options on the IAPPS Website

Saturday, 30 September 2023 12:48:19


Grahame Jackson posted a new submission ‘News from IAPPS, The International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences’


News from IAPPS, The International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences

From Geoff Norton, President, IAPPS. (Also added as a PDF to preserve the photos)

New Language Options on the IAPPS Website

IAPPS members and other visitors to the IAPPS website will see that Google translate has recently been added, enabling non-English speaking visitors to read most of the material on the site in their local language. Whenever possible, our intention will be to post new material on the website as html, allowing for local language translation.  

To access this translation facility, click on the “Translate” button and choose the relevant flag symbol associated with your local language. Note: a list of languages at the bottom of the screen provides an alternative means of selecting a language.

While making most of the current information on the website available to visitors with limited English, this translation facility offers a broader service to plant protection worldwide. Three examples, that can be accessed via www.plantprotection.org – Resources – Education and Training, illustrate this point:

1.      “A Brief History of Plant Protection”, was initially posted on the “Education and Training/Plant Protection Stories” section of the IAPPS website, as two English language pdf documents.

Starting with the early beginnings in subsistence agriculture, we examine various case studies that illustrate the many economic, technical, social, and regulatory factors that have influenced the development, effectiveness and problems associated with modern plant protection strategies. 

This plant protection story is now available as a website document, that allows users to take advantage of Google translate to view the tutorial in their own language.

2.     “A Review of Digital Identification Tools for Plant Biosecurity”, a publication involving 11 experts from 6 countries, has recently been posted on the IAPPS site. It is freely available as an English pdf version as well as a website version, which can be translated into any of the Google languages and made available to a much wider audience. 3.     A series of digital pathway keys for identifying insects and spiders found in rice in West Africa (see IAPPS Newsletter  January 2023) has now been converted from English to French by Dr Souleymane Nacro (IAPPS West Africa Board member). Dr Nacro used Google translate to initially convert the keys to French, then checked and edited this initial translation, using appropriate French taxonomic terms. This French version of the digital keys will be made freely available on the same IAPPS site.
